Poetry Pharmacy
Prescribed medicine for healing the heart.
With modern technology and sciences, there is a cure for almost any sickness but there doesn’t seem to be a cure for feelings like sadness, boredom, or loneliness.
The closest we have to lift our spirits from these feelings are probably words that comfort and heal; sometimes these words come in the form of poetry, easy to read and comforting.
In the Poetry Pharmacy, you can get a prescription for any feeling you’re having from happy to sad to love just like how you would visit a regular one to get your medication.
The Poetry Pharmacy is tucked above in the Lush Spa Store on Oxford Street, quite easy to miss if you aren’t looking! The “pharmacy” is just like what you would expect a normal pharmacy to look like but with a creative touch.
There are several shelves all filled with bottles of“pills”; the little pills encapsulate a poem within and the bottle is labelled with the “illness” the pills will remedy.
These illness ranges from “indecision” to “resilience” to “joy”, there is a cure or booster for any feeling that you may have.
The small bottles cost £9.95 and the bigger ones are £13.95. They would make perfect gifts for friends and families or just a little treat for yourself.
The pharmacy also sells a variety of books of different poem genres, just like you would find in any bookstore. An interesting part of the pharmacy is that you can choose your “poison” along with your “medicine”.
They have a dedicated medicinal cabinet that holds “poisons”. This cabinet is filled with books with dystopian plots or darker poems or stories of witchcraft.
The cabinet, of course, has pill bottles as well but instead of cures, it is poison such as “revenge”, “Shakespearean curses” and “vice”.
Finally, at the corner of the pharmacy, there is the Dispensary Coffee Shop, where you can get a warm cup of something to further warm your heart and lift your spirits.
It is amazing that the small shop could also seat you while you read your poetry and enjoy your drink.
If you’re looking for a unique way to read your poetry or want to find a gift for someone special, then the Poetry Pharmacy is the way to go! Just head into the Lush shop on Oxford Street and follow the signs upstairs to enter the pharmacy.
175-179 Oxford Street, London W1D 2JS
Written by Althea Scully